Motion of censure counters the improper use of the electro-convulso-therapies

  • af: Line Llao
  • mottagare: 

    Operation of cleaning of the bad small ideas of May 68 carefully and depth, with the case by case of the conflict of vicinity neighbor-neighbor created and psychiatrized in the name of the label of schizophrenia of the targeted people, political sarkozist, the gauchist declared leader and head thinking of the base its party placed at its residence under electric shocks until the contracting of its brain, left with ratatiné half and under semi-official internment, issued coenesthetic hallucinations which it would make. Gripped with the jump of the guilty bed to awake, put in cabbages of the knout of repression and chemical torture on untrue denouncement well overpowering informers of vicinities well in the matter compétant which wants their consequently problems to him and substituted for nonconsequence of its behavior, first of its charges, against him turned over.

    Processes of the French SAC. The gauchist thus flushed out constrained with the demonstration, individual or organized, if it can it, with MATER. Killed Net or of slow death with against ways of electric shocks, its pleas by this known as extirpated care. Psychiatrized repression not haggling over the crime against humanity nor the crime anti-semite of the camps Nazis of deportees whose malmenage with the apparatus counterfeiting the electric shocks simulating the slaps and blows undergone under the S reproduces including on Sartre, lasting the war of Algeria on the French ground known as simple events. The targeted gauchist holding the role of Jewish prostitute for the term of whore whose Nazis overpower it, known as only beaten woman of violences marital allowed at present still except some action of association when these Nazis there calm the nerves on it, his only employment, that of suffers pain and head with opera hats Jewish short scapegoat.

    Brains manufactured with the hand, the chain, with the lasers, apparatuses with electric shocks and their counterfeits, machines of schizophrenes, until the collection for the sheaf, commune of which each one is split in these cases.

    Systematic cramming with the %u0153ufs until the charge of hysteria become care of schizophrenic frigidity according to the epilepsy caused by electric shocks become official care of the disease in order to increase the effect of rape if the rape says simply therapeutic in the name of these public and deprived orgies remains an abnormal effect of the directions and thought. The carecher against the May and left-wing ideas sixty eights, the new shapes of station with welding to which electrodes news tendency are added, and either the sticks, instituted under cover of the legal practice of medicine and the secret seal defense medical. Militancy of left having to remain infantile, neurotic or strictly practised in the slang language ordurier rabelaisien of asserted secularity. In short, caricatural of the knowledge of intelligentsia in the redemption by work, of the gauchist having to feel under these known as constraints patient. Electrodes used and used of cold hand of vicinity and private individuals, as a bludgeon on brains with left-wing ideas a little too lucid.

    Repressed victims of a whole chemical arsenal medicalized, mended into soft with nerve sedatives known as delay, with release prolonged, on illicit searching as of the 5 hours of the morning if it is needed, to raise to them, flushed out to the residence without the knowledge even of the couple, until the assassination by overdose, in addition of the imposed official monthly injection. After cures of electric shocks in residence practised according to the same methods making accroire near the authorities with l%u2019hallucination of the subject be demobilized, relating to these facts, without any document proving them, neither ordinance nor consent of the medicamentous products employed. This kind of plumbers not leaving a calling card. Intended to push the subject with the murder or the action by self-defence, for its hospitalization in this hospital prison, pure and simple elimination.

    Discreetly practised electric shocks in a way or another by fields medical, of all sectors, psychiatrists also, véreux bought or reduced to that and medical personnel (about as interested as the psychiatrists), under the aegis of heads of household or cold hand of private individuals paid for and consequently, on their request and requirements, in the bladders to be taken for lanterns, bladders thrashings judiciously burst in order to make deserve later care and repairing certified operations of this urogenital zone, tissue tearings known as prolapsus of the bladder among young women made obese or left layers. Pretexted for these useless facts for the company and without social action. Idem for any other affection, caused, considered natural then treated, sometimes with life.

    Old greybeards claiming Fathers of family in black masses Brothers of the King and commandos of selected reception towards individuals of the company for their clearness on the business, to operate them cerebral mutilations during imaginations with the step of load between friends of the Fascism of the two extremism and their reinforcements. Attempts totalitarists of mental destabilization of the individual of left in dissidence of fascistic factions of the parties of the left, dissident of the extreme right-hand side, therefore in free electron, therefore unverifiable and having to die in the social hysteria organized in bloody riots and manhunts premeditated. With clothes industry of the handicap until its résection or lobotomy, on the type of necessary normal curve of orgies mussoliennes to crammings with the milk of chamelle after emptying of the intestines, the digestive tract and the testicles in own way of hullabaloo towards Maghrebian nationality or origin of the lover, the boyfriend or a knowledge of the subject, type 1900, the film. Impossible in this case to resist the operation of destruction démobilisatrice of the left, of humanistic youth altermondialist antinazie, of the sovereign left, operation with résections which will save you the life

    Until its political assistantship or its assassination. Maybe of proud matter, or higher spirit of race higher fathers fustigateurs than the electrode and the lobotomy of rigour as clout paternal clout or mornifle of its dextral Extreme dependent line and of its communist French Gulag. If not of hand of psys damaged, fustigation accompanied by résections of cerebral nerves as important as nerves sciatics nerve in the body, nerves infibrillés of electric discharges at the points to present several separated branches, as much désentortillée wool, mercerize products intended to varnish them previously, then to kill the conducting nerves of the electrical currents, nerves torn off by trepans such vas deferenses of standards for their perfection and their perfect beauty, the arterial and venous networks made variqueux sometimes with angiomas until the %u0153dèmes and aneurysmal rupture cerebral mortals, under the electric shocks, beams and rays of attack and application of the militiamans and armed milicians, mortal.

    All the more intolerable processes if they are practised on real mental patients, and identical for all patients of the French sectors, some category who they are, sick realities or prisoner (E) S of State, hospitalized, in simple follow-up or taken again by the authorities.

    Sales leaflet : The physical and mental handicapped people, for a problem which must be and remain theirs, of caste of race, vis-a-vis vis-a-vis that sworn in, of old fathers fouettards torturers of small girls, screws of the cities to the aguets in organized punitive forwardings, old intervening pigs of worried residences and psys services in transfered, in front of being attended, to copulate and marry between them, under a police company and of monitoring Vichy-native petainist lends to draw from its marksmen and orderlies of HLM residences and allotment or district according to the percentage from these factions on the ground, on the first which will be denounced by informer of function. Having fun at the beginning him to even draw from the weapons put by the French special services to draw by pure provocation in the nape of the neck from the fatal electrode or the beam Nazi in their possession under the simple pretext which it drank. Very tolerated fact of the psychiatric asylums , which arranged the with dimensions one of the assassins and totalitarists, them same populated medical personnel resulting from the underworld of the plebs mafiosi, encourage with the denouncement petainist of the failure to the payment of the royalty or the invoice of electricity, and judge that it is normal and of good tone to kill by provocation, recreation, or any other reason. Instituting the fact of re-pressing by the electric shocks or the lobotomy any person who will undergo these types of violences and attempts at murder to goal of police provocation.

    Companies of mercenariat able to be engaged by any die or network of demolition of individuals chosen for this work, people morals or small private individuals, for any business of pressure physics, mercenaries liquidators of businesses including intelligentsia, and the persona non grata one, dies of prostitution physical and mental of free negros the large ones and people of modest means of the edition, journalistic and literary, cinematographic, publicity agent and trades of art, according to the facility of the victim, and its orientations politico éthico - economic, undertaken shock using of nuclear weapons of short and weak range still in tests of industrial trusts non conventional, in illicit circulation, sometimes recoveredtechnological arsenal put at the reject of the déchèteries, or new formula, to test on these victims, of which hospital waste of care known as palliative in residence (whose electric shocks practised until the serious résection of brain and frontal zones, for assermentation and of powerful intimidation, formula rapid-visit flash neither seen nor known, followed washings body necessary to their infliction) are recovered for feed gates and pharmaceutical product , laboratory and networks of exploitation of foetus, embryo, ovule taken regularly, overexploitation of the popular grogne, its populisms of parties their Aryan militia armed and factions with red brigades still into force in the psychiatric hospitals, in flying squadrons of return-in-the-bacon very empoignants, to constitute victims of this traffic in networks.

    Policy of lobotomic résection by electric shocks or any other method d%u2019amputation of the cerebral zones as repression, making impotent in the opposition these methods dictatorial of torture and ice-cold to the population defender of the principles of the antipsychiatry and its engagements ethical, philosophical and become hyperalgic, this population type mobilized against after and having hard sensitized with the problem, judicious duty to modify its morbid major reasoning considered to be if it denounces these résections if the neurosurgeons radiologist and the neurologist in question completing the operations of cleaning to the electric shock, them morbid, nor mania persecution about it, were not it, of the money and the gained profits in the business of persecutions. Leaving their material of résection to the free use and the personal use of the torturers whom they constitute, around the persona non grata one. With no-claims bonus of clearness. Led at the end of rifle, the shooting at sight with bearing end in private clinic and to the residence of the victims.

    Explode the fabrics, a head, a body can make, slice, reduce out of cooked pulp the zones aimed, through walls ceilings and floors, radiations of any kinds, some concerning the %u201Cmagnets%u201D (electromagnetic electrodes, perversion of the simple electrodes of electric shocks bus adding the hyperdouloureux crushing of the flesh and bone to their simple electrocution thus burn, crushing worse than in tabassage with the bludgeon, and causing hallucinations from their magnetism) associated kinds of laser lancets and the shapes of lasers to the beam of a range of more than 50 meters which can drill, burning, knocking, to kill. Medical armament as much of war than in Star Wars, inspired of this old experimental research on the deportees and the Jews and rising from research of post-war period.

    States known as of be delirious or states second caused by would be this only electric shocks, in addition to inflicted malnutrition, ill-treatments, violences physical and mental, individuals chosen in the company, réséqués for these known as be delirious induced with the electrode, lobotomized by neurology and neurosurgery, said are delirious postoperative, due partly to the effects of old anaesthetic, in addition to the concussion of the surgical act, charged to the insanity and resigned medicamentous treatments of application of long duration, generally accompanied by measurements known as of safety (weapons of fist with beams, lasers, etc) sometimes to life for a state of clashes with the authorities in fact, surprised tel.

    Surmobilized France according to these attacks with armed hand, constant.

    Electric shocks, in the beginning produces capitalism incipient recovered with the fine therapeutic ones from the slaughter-houses or electric gun paralysing striker, placed between the two eyes of the animal. But at the man one does not die about it inevitably safe perhaps of the lobotomies practised by electrodes then lancet so much the injured flesh, in this famous cerebral zone being the zone of the directions. New lucky finds of scientific technology, judicious to improve the everyday life of the patient, and not to make pretence carry out it, for the majority of time, it is the case, at the end of the course.

    The hyperalgic major pains being able to cause the death without anaesthetic, so anaesthetic authorized, in strength since approximately the Eighties on humane call, had with physical torture preparatory and preliminary to the placements considered, preparation intended to justify of a state of is delirious er of agitation requiring the neurological or neurosurgical intervention, the pains mortals induced by additional electric torture, with the simplest pain, if not hallucinatory, according to the degree of consent and confidence of the facts considered. Adding again to the weight of the commotions of the surgical act and neurological the destruction in mass of the nervous system, electrocuted or réséqué accompanied by punctured and reduced cerebral haemorrhages the majority of time, by electric cauterization successive with the intervention. . Melancholy following the endured physical shock, repeated multiple times by life . As regards the electric shocks, in cure. The brain flaring with the last degree following the type of electrical currents used, electromagnetic, dephasing or said screwing up, to such a degree that are necessary the currents dephasing under penalty of having to enter the spiral of repressive violence until having to cause the death of therapeutic eagernesses , accompanied shocks of electric and current discharges or not of shocks called hammers, accompanied or not by shocks called hammers,

    While using to make violences tortures and rapes repeated and repetitive day and night, while also using for their leisures, moments of relaxation défoulement and recreations on the person called to désidérer; he falling above to the least allegation quickly believed without way on its intimate and deprived life, of these vicinities and gossips of the district, to make these electric shocks on the surface of its cranium, very as on beaten woman or prostitute to correct it by scraped so which stumbles neither does not stop, nor ose to denounce them. the bouibouis of the city using the services of this CHR as well as the private clinics deprived on the same basis as henchmen intended to make prostitutes and to be made respect near the implied people and the shapes of prostitutes that they represent with their eyes and them is these people for an offence of opinion that they would make towards them and that they do not acknowledge nor do not recognize if not between them and among their accomplices.

    Washings of brain, washings very short, groomings intimate after the rapes-tabassages which represent for the little provided education for crowd and masses, the electrodes, their use in medical environment: Form Enquiry, of Christian torment, summary show of execution, capital punishment requested towards the people in offence of opinion towards whoever of the company. Simulated death penalty, of bitterly decided summary execution, poses laced boots of the Question. Russian hospital with Russian headstocks, to case to cross including to the electric arc, of electrical currents, and to cut out.

    Police forms of tabassages mutilatoires commuted of needs for rapes per brawl and medicalized torture, tabassages generating multiple lesions, wounds, violences caused by the electric bludgeon, free violence and sexual torture with the time practised on a person treated as a prisoner of opinion by part of the Lumpenproletariat, in evil of public execution of the elite, sexual violences, wounds of war on prisoner of opinion or war, as much as on Iraqi prisoners, an idea certainly due to the pro Americanization of the Bush type of the company.

    Electrodes of séismos (electric shocks with discharges of electromagnetic currents or electric discharges accompanied by percussion) called hammers. Being used sometimes as electric or atomic shields with the level of the chest and abdomen, causing bursting of the internal organs, their fracture and internal bleedings, unfoldings of nerves internal sciatics nerve and thus in certain cases, the death. Hammers sometimes implants indifférienciables of an external action to the body, which requires to support them electrodes, electric shocks of all natures roasting or knocking nerves and nervous systems worse sometimes than simple burns caused by cigarette, or nettings of hair, burns of the cerebral system requiring methodical puncture of the céphalo-rachidian liquid for survival of the prisoner, without what would die of intoxication of the burns of this liquid, tabassages with blows of clubs if crisis of revolt to the long known as agitation. Strong anger known as schizoid, if the individual tested does not manage to undergo in calms the established electrodes when they are lit to him during days and nights during more than one week. Months, years. Individual drawn from the bed as of the 6 hours of the morning until the 5 hours of the morning for this démoniaque type of rançonnage to length of time, constant hammering under the white blouse as under the waistcoat.

    As much to be caught a corner of stool by the head and the bones of cranium until the total and absolute crushing of the individual, of his flesh, or any other blunt object. That can make a shock. Cellular burstings in mass of the cerebral cells so until the reduction of lobes, brains of half, their quasi disappearance.

    Major shock of the grey matter , electrocuted it too. In this case, but with what can thus serve the glie, the cerebral matter, grey matter. Each zone operated thus made that the currents which electrocute it fill up the whole brain in its entirety, the whole body in fact, until being able to break bone of the basin of the hip and the foot. Cervical broken, therefore port of the minerve, stitches in the bones. Rarefaction of the ligaments. For the defended pleasures of some inhabitants

Grooming after the meetings of electrodes, the forced bath which accompanies them very often so much the odor by burn of the flesh is strong: Pleasure extirpated by reaction to the electrodes, that of the epileptic fit (causes forced micturition, defecation, vomits and orgasm, which induces a digestion partille vomits remained in the appareildigestif one, and thus vomits in the saddles, by increasing fetidness and signs D digestive tract shaken until the digestive disorder and the toxic incommodation engraves) which follows the infliction of the discharges, compared to the masturbation, subject of predilection of the lessons of modesty and reference to dirty, the crade and alienation, if not the trisomic backwardness (oligophrénie, trisomy declared evils of primates). In any case and it is a known fact, pleasure issued psychosis engraves worthy of punishment most often body as far as it will be considered to be necessary.

Caused involuntary pleasure, I point out it, but it is forgotten, by the epilepsy due to the electrodes, until the stink of burned flesh, of the vomits of the urines and the saddles.

Papal palpation of the women before the meetings of electric torture, if they would be pregnant. Sometimes, imposition of the electrodes and night-commode in the event of fears of the woman, said only too constipée by the treatments, in a concern of correcting it for its pregnancy considered to be improbable, unacceptable and deserving the illicit abortion which the discharges will cause. Abortions under aggravated assault , purgings with the paraffin oil, Si out-of-date castor oil. Since times of Mussolini.

Call to a medicine inquisitrice which in the name of the Reason d%u2019Etat, is close to Ku Klux Klan, and royalist more than the king until in torchement of bottom of the prisoner after the %u201Ctorment%u201D. After the imposition of irons and the original torments of the Question. Laced boots of the established electrodes. In the last rôtissements of the buchers of the hell. With the least removal of tripe. Or of stub of thought. Embarrassing tales on the orgies made in the presence of the subject, when it was only to be deadened, in its residence, under the capacity of chloroform or of some anaesthetic: made orgies of illicit care, canted of their true nature and whose dépravé personnel would use against any dissident with this activism, as well originals by the impression of rape to armed hand as they get to them. Crammings, groomings, electrodes practised on a body stripped with haste, in an intention of rape, that of the excision of ball, body stripped of reflexes deadened bus, which one maintains motionless so that it does not struggle too much nor is not wounded, if the screws do not invite witnesses of this lucre, of which its family and her friends, to help them to hold the straps which immobilize their victim. Straps posed on the chest, the kidneys, leaving red traces and painful varixes. On a draw sheet, if in a bed, sometimes even, in the bathroom, at the time of a shower, the head on the floorcloth, just like I said it in these cases of practice of the excision of body clitoridien having to remain stub.

Battered child of the company and his population, lynched sometimes is threatened of death, the electrodes are used as summary show of execution accompanied by rape with maltreatments, of lobotomies carried out with electricity, lobotomies any short-washings of brain. These characteristics of the electric shocks are used a whole complex as claim of people of the vicinities baited to want tabasser and make maltreatments of war on one their prisoners, who can, driven back with the wanted suicide, can finish some as much that to become dangerous, being given the great sufficiency of each one in this case.

Maltreatments, worsened violences, ways in fact, intimidations, police beating ups, aggravated assault , exactions, repression abroad, marital violences and in residence if recognized, childhood martyr, violences sexual contacts and body lesions, brutalities, psychiatric operations of the brain and electrodes, property damages ill-treatment and wounds, surinfectées, superinfections with suppuration, ulcerations at points of joining and other determinisms concerning the after-effects. Precisely inflicted acts of torture.

Simulation by electrodes of the effect of penetration of major kisses by the pain in the erotogenic surface zones of the scalp and cranium, until the destruction of major cerebral zones under these erotogenic zones. By rape with violences.

For subduing it take time , 20 years there if it is needed, inflicting electric electrodes and repressive methods and ill-treatments even mortals of another nature, until absolute exhaustion of the subject which is let only make from now on, even if it means to accept that one carries out it, taken suicidal access, vis-a-vis the unbearable pain threat of madness causes which it feels to come in an imminent way under the constant aggravated assault . Until occurred of the access epileptic whose each crisis can prove mortal so not followed closely by tested medical personnel, the subject which can swallow its language, choke themselves with its gastric rejections, or knock themselves in the epilepsy until committing suicide, lasting the convulsions (from where reinforcement of tmoins to hold leprisonnier, or the imposition of the straps). The body too endolori and horrified struggling and being released, taken exhaustion so much the discharge of horror and self-defence contained, of constrained instinct of survival, will have been powerful under tortures, after years of race to the use and contest of constant dératage, for a reason or for another, current bread of French, damaging until the genetic inheritance of the population. It is to say if the physical injury of the human body of each individual of the country is powerful. That which survives about it known as cured of him. About and for a time. In addition to the necessary drug to go back some and to prepare there

Scenes of psychiatrized police violences systematic of police state instituted since the Fifties in obsessional harassings and obnubilations under penalty of psychiatric placement. All against being able placed on a case-by-case basis under anaesthetic and tabassages with the chemical knout and electrodes of therapeutic use, used for repressive cerebral operations until the rebellion and the offence of opinion well quickly per these methods subdued, or effect of normal curve. Evil thus created in other words the rebellious left with the government maintained until its radical and final disappearance under the repression which it because. Without no mail of warning of any form of lawsuit is sent to the victim of these processes. Pure physical pressures;

Nazism holding with the Nazis and psychiatry, with the psychiatrists, since I am located in the judgment at the opposition to progress of the business, thrashing until holding upright of additional persecutions of which Tranxène and Prozac. After the period of narguée prostration of continual physical violences until the reaction, with réséquer, revolt which follows well quickly subdued, of electrodes and meetings of power generating unit in the parietal zones, ablavées partly. The infirmity which follows denied, promised with absolute silence under this absolute capacity.

Named disorders sensory or of the directions, hallucinatory at it, that the woman turns over to her sex of animal which will have to remain its only opening in the world and its navel, under sorrow to have to feel the wild beast under the electrodes and the rape which is followed from there, the maltreatment ordurier of the Enquiry which awaits it, waited until this only and single focal distance of the thoughts to which the machism will have to assign it, will save it if it does not indicate it, of its pacifist thought on the world, preacher of its loss sui it refuses with this additional rape. If it holds its infused science only with the forced ingestion of sperm and of the seed of intelligence of the Man who thus returns it in Homo Sapiens, in addition to that of Gaulle, it will take by invaginating it in its oesophagus-vagina the freeze-dried seed or seal of the psychiatrist parent whom it will have in his stomach-uterus and of which it will reappear after the meetings of electric torture as one reappears of his creamed ashes, any man of this hardening treated as a woman.

Its opinion, the long indictment of its eternal fights ablavés, cut down, réséqués, relobotomized in dirty frustration the pain, the suffering led to its ultimate point of canceration, and hygiene of its portable prison misses it, its true residence of new subrace of Jewish wandering. Its love judged erotomania, its thunderbolts electrocuted for crisis of erotomania leading to the schizophrenic obsessional neurosis,

Practical standardized electrodes which recall the power generating unit of the Fifties to 60 in vogue in manners of the police stations, in any dictatorship, during times of Gestapo.

Made repression which must remain personal, individualization of repression, towards administrative staffs and other of the same artists kind than the artists of avant-garde and intellectuals of left who refuse to enter the system, envoys with the block of the neurosurgery if not roughing-hew electrodes.

Women, men, children off-set in their hearths if not in hospital beds, passed through psychiatrists spacers (of thighs) girls who refuse. Victims condemned to the lower classes, with their intellect and types of remunerations, insulated in the population initially, chosen, avoided of all places, their life made infernal of the rites of the internment, in residence or in house, private clinic and medical centres, then violated under the electrodes which déflorent them, then use it sexually also, dried then or end ready for their husband present or future, if not, déflorées with the crankshaft, in short trepanned. Forced girls forced to live their marriage rate under these laced boots, extirpating unutterable sexual pleasures to them known as Delights of Capoue, in the major pain and the suffering which are inflicted of these factions of Beams Nazis which are whole teams rapists bouncers of colleges and colleges on the occasion, forcers of girls, doors of houses, apartments and HLM, rapists in college and meeting, roughneck soldiers of first into revolving medical said principles. Raping men, women, child, violated sodomized to the last pore. Who only will have perceived it in their me deep, this kind of therapeutic rape, balanced balanced meal, sucked in addition. For the happiness of French, who passes by again soup in the helmet of the German of the STO since the Forties.

It is proscribed, this egalitarianism, the hierarchy look after-neat not missing a pepper, it perdure, hardened of sordid demonstrations, which preach other civic duties, the loss of earnings of a profession which formerly raised its notoriety until the voluntary help. In these mediums, the voluntary help consists in making you roast on roughing-hew it electrodes, dead or sharp, for good to kneel in front of the reflexion of the Father or the close small drainage canal, per hour of decapitation. Sometimes per hour of the brave men.

When they n%u2019ont believed that you to tickle, even if that been able marrow on fire to choke you odor in your apartment. The electrocution pure and simple of the whole body to leave the brain. Until the coma, epileptic or not. Perhaps because it is ignored that the epileptic fit causes the orgasm, the vomiting, the defecation the micturition and the serious fall of tension. Until the coma epileptic. Certain evil disposed would have fun of this phenomenon.

With you to remake it a whole life if you do not appreciate it. One can speak about miraculés about Science, for those which dared or could be left there unscathed.

Lower national level of the medical personnel and male nurses, as well and so much as this renewal of ignorance in France, become uncultivated, requires the importation as much as beasts of burden, doctors and male nurses, nurses foreign, soliciting the foreigners for this fact, more cultivated than France in this field in order to provide the rows of the country as personnel suited and able to exert their trade with dignity. Some of the doctors French in a perfect knowledge of the anatomy of the human body, and worthy of the doctor charcutor of the OAS and Nazis, so much their charlatanism is due to the fact, engaged by going worse by a French state which owing to lack of personnel more suited, A all the same graduate of diplomas of kindness, creating a certain privilege of caste of old lords and a certain scientism of caste allotting the privileges of caste of the aristocracy, towards under caste of serf in serfdom testifying notoriety profits and gratitude to them, customers which they fidélisent with life of the above mentioned traffics, scientistic charlatanism.

Individuals, men, women, having fought against a whole life against the label and name of hysteria for the simple fact of the onanic masturbation or the pleasure, find themselves, ice-cold and castrated definitively or for a long time of their sexual functions, taken by the methods anti-hysteria of the psychiatric hospital, which enfreignant the laws, excisent and kill systematically with sharp the sexual network nervous, preferring to go of them to the nervous system genitals rather than to the cerebral zones while being the command, isolating these zones from the bodies that they relate to, and of which locked up and treated with life for absent total of sexual life and crises of assertions, delirium tremens, agitation.

Irritated in question not having to be caught some that with the social services if there is, or medical departments which will be made of it appear perfect lawyers. Hailing more to hail with the power generating unit, (established if one needs it jusques in the fresh wounds or of excized teeth of their jaw, wounds sanguinolentes considered those of a clitoris ablavé to torture with the remote magnets and electricity so that the problem of the excision in the Maghreb makes more badly or made tortures of Algeria.) if not convincing only by the reasoning towards the arraisoneurs.

Electrodes. Are useful in direct clitoridectomy, still nowadays exists an indirect derived form into force in hospital complexes and private private clinics, as prevention of the depression and of hysteria, innervation of the nervous network of the tree of the nervous ramifications of the body clitoridien by tabassage of this network at the station with welding until paralysing it with life or making it nonfunctional. Even it to kill, Net or with long and they take time of them. Torture still nowadays into force in the French psychiatric hospitals, inflicted since the Middle Ages in the lunatic asylums, in the name of the hysteria of the woman and of her clitoris at that time found there %u201Cout of bludgeon%u201D so much car-tortured induced ill-treatments and tortures, even, cancerated. From where at certain inclined (through maintained exaltation and of states second prolonged by various processes), to still recently on sale mutilate this body of the pleasure that medicine holds for the young girl, like multiple erotogenic zones of which those of the face, from where the port of the belt of hygienic chastity, in pharmacies.

France mother of the individual, paved tinted paving stones of May 68 of blood poured nowadays by these red brigades, also the militia Aryan, and strewn with black dreams. Friend, the friend still seeks the friends.

Operations of the brain practised on mental patients and individuals for their offence of opinion, using instruments of torture, inflicted operations on a purely strictly repressive basis. Or lobotomies of the neurological type. De Deutsch Hospital;

PO, or HO, placement of office: temporary measurement of torture on individuals isolated from the company for its engagements and its freedom of conscience in offence of opinion, made up captive of opinion by vox populi seizing the State.

Methods. Practised until the body of the dissident is to him its own traitor and betrays it, Judas in oneself, which its own owner does not draw any more to keep his confidence in him. Had of a treacherous animal body and traitor with his fatherland which is turned over against its Master in the revolt of the Master and the Slave, in all the turns and turnings of its and the nature, of which that of cancer, the weakness, of the physical tare, the body become portable individual prison, which prevents, and fights against, the freedom of conscience and thought. Sport of militiaman to reach that point in his enemy.

I assert, claim, recommends, since always, prohibition, the abolition of the methods of medical torture above mentioned, and electric torture constituting at present psychiatric torture still into force
since the creation of psychiatry.

I engage the people still lucid and responsible for this country, of the occident, and in the world, to guarantee, by a joint action and which holds of personal engagement, this motion of censure against the use of the electric shocks, their counterfeits and advanced techniques derived from neurology, on a purely preventive basis and care, or of official torture still of use nowadays, like against the use derived and diverted its deontology of the neurosurgery with car of resolvent care of the insanity. knowing that any prevention seldom is used to avoid this destruction which generally leads to the insanity and the dangerosity, that the figure increases by the number of abusive internments which use of these stratagems in order to choke businesses of corruption, abuse of power as much of the hospital mediums, sectors psychiatric and clinical or private cabinets, that those of the social classes and finally of the states which reign on this territory.

I engage to sign this motion of censure against psychiatric and medical torture, exerted with the name of the prerogatives of the function, or as care, in the public and deprived mediums, against the constitution of prisoners of opinion and State within the populations, under the practice of the defamatory and defamatory discriminatory internments abusive, and of the label employed for this purpose of the madness. Secrecy of State in France, in the world and in occident. Denying the rights of the Civil code except those ensuring the dictat of the State against these driven and targeted people, straight as of the Man denied, ridiculed, their rights alienated. in France, in the world and in occident.

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